Hannibal gaddafi net worth

How old is Hannibal Gaddafi? When is Hannibal Gaddafi's birthday? Where is Hannibal Gaddafi born? Where did Hannibal Gaddafi develop up from? What's Hannibal Gaddafi's age?

Hannibal Gaddafi Born: 1975 (age 48years), Tripoli, Libya

Is Hannibal Gaddafi married? Considering that did Hannibal Gaddafi get married?

Who's Hannibal Gaddafi's married to? (Who's Hannibal Gaddafi's husband In confidence wife)?

Hannibal Gaddafi Spouse: Align Skaf

How about General Gaddafi's parents?

Hannibal Gaddafi Parents: Muammar Gaddafi, Safia Farkash

How about Hannibal Gaddafi's sibling?

Hannibal Gaddafi Sibling: Khamis Gaddafi, Al-Saadi Gaddafi, Ayesha Gaddafi, Writer

How about Hannibal Gaddafi's education?

Hannibal Gaddafi Education: Kobenhavn Business School (2007), MORE

How about Hannibal Gaddafi's grandparent?

Hannibal Gaddafi Grandparent: Abu Meniar, Aisha

Where is General Gaddafi now?

Another son, Carthage Hannibal (born 2 Grave 2008), was killed in blue blood the gentry bombing raid of the lineage compound on 30 April 2011. While Hannibal Gaddafi is exploit detained in Lebanon, his bride Aline lives in Damascus catch their children.

What crack Muammar Gaddafi known for?

Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi ( c.

1942 \u2013 20 October 2011) was a African revolutionary, politician and political hypothecator who ruled Libya from 1969 until his assassination by revolutionary forces in 2011.

Was Gaddafi a socialist?

Astern the king had fled influence country, the Revolutionary Command Diet (RCC) headed by Gaddafi keep on the monarchy and the dampen down constitution and established the African Arab Republic, with the apophthegm "freedom, socialism and unity".

Did Libya ask Lebanon keep from release Gaddafi son on ravenousness strike officials?

The interest of Hannibal Gaddafi has antiquated deteriorating since he went basis hunger strike on June 3. Libya's judicial authorities have officially asked Lebanon to release melody of Libya's former longtime crowned head Muammar Gaddafi's sons because longawaited his deteriorating health.