La famiglia dei saltimbanchi picasso wikipedia

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I sei personaggi (tre adulti e tre bambini) sono colti in un momento di silenziosa attesa, e la loro serietà pensosa e un po’ mesta stride con la variopinta stravaganza dei costumi di scena che ancora indossano. Pablo Picasso, “Acrobata con palla”, Pablo Picasso, “Famiglia di acrobati”,

Runoko rashidi wikipedia

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菊池容斎の描いた坂上田村麻呂。19世紀に描かれたものであり、当然ネグロイドの特徴は見られない。 坂上田村麻呂黒人説(さかのうえのたむらまろこくじんせつ)は、平安時代の武官であり、征夷大将軍として蝦夷征討に功績を残した大納言 坂上田村麻呂が黒人だったという風説である。.

Biography walt disney wikipedia indonesia

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The Walt Disney Company (biasa disebut hanya Disney) adalah konglomerat media massa dan hiburan multinasional Amerika yang berkantor pusat di Walt Disney Studios di Burbank, California.

Ningali lawford wikipedia

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Hierdie bladsy is 'n besprekingsbladsy waar verbeteringe tot die Ningali Lawford-artikel bespreek word. Hierdie bladsy is nie 'n forum vir 'n algemene bespreking van die artikel se onderwerp nie. Plaas nuwe teks onder ou teks. Klik hier om 'n nuwe afdeling te begin. Onderteken asb. jou plasings deur vier tildes (~~~~) te tik. Nuut by Wikipedia.

Franz liszt biography wikipedia slovenija

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Franz Liszt [n 1] (22 October – 31 July ) was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor and teacher of the Romantic a diverse body of work spanning more than six decades, he is considered to be one of the most prolific and influential composers of his era, and his piano works continue to be widely performed and recorded.

Vijaya lakshmi pandit wikipedia in tamil

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Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit (Allahabad, 18 de agosto de – 1 de dezembro de ) foi uma diplomata e política da Índia, irmã de Jawaharlal Nehru, tia de Indira Gandhi e tia-avó de Rajiv Gandhi, os três primeiros-ministros da Índia.

Rima melati adams wikipedia indonesia

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Rima Melati Sheila Adams (born 1 July ), is a Singaporean model, actress, singer and TV personality. Most recently, she is a handbag designer. She was born in Hong Kong.

Joe pesci biography wikipedia shqip

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Joe Pesci is an American former actor and musician. He is known for his popular characters in The Irishman, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, and more. As a singer, he gave his fans three albums titled Little Joe Sure Can Sing!.

Dirck van baburen wikipedia

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Prometheus Being Chained by Vulcan is an oil painting of by Dirck van Baburen of the Utrecht School, and an example of Baroque chiaroscuro. The painting represents a tale from Greco-Roman mythology.

Vani kamal hassan wikipedia

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Vani Ganapathy is a trained bharatnatyam dancer and one among the leading names of this classical art form. She is also known as the first wife of actor Kamal Hassan. She has also done costume designing to many of Kamal Hassan’s movies when they were married.

Debina bonnerjee biography wikipedia

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Debina Bonnerjee-Choudhary, popularly known as Sita of Sagar Arts' Ramayan on NDTV Imagine and Mayuri of Sab Tv's Chidiyaghar, is the wife of television.

Renato salvatore wikipedia

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Romolo (Maurizio Arena) and Salvatore (Renato Salvatori) are two young men that are neighbors and friends. They live in Piazza Navona in Rome. They are poor but handsome, and both fall in love with the beautiful Giovanna (Marisa Allasio).

Harry belafonte biography wikipedia español

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Belafonte esitti monenlaista musiikkia, esimerkiksi bluesia, folkia ja gospelia.Hän jatkoi musiikin tekemistä RCA-levy-yhtiössä luvulta luvulle. Hän on esiintynyt muun muassa Frank Sinatran, afrikkalaisen laulajan Miriam Makeban ja kreikkalaisen laulajan Nana Mouskourin kanssa luvulla.

Bota e sofies jostein gaarder wikipedia

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Jostein Gaarder lindi në vitin Studioi filozofi, teologji dhe teori letërsie në Oslo. Për dhjetë vjet rresht ka qenë mësues në shkolla dhe institucione për arsimimin e të rriturve. Famën ndërkombëtare ai e arriti me romanin Bota e Sofies, tashmë i përkthyer në mbi 40 gjuhë.

Kazimierz deyna death penalty

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Trzydzieści pięć lat temu, w nocy z 31 sierpnia na 1 września roku, w tragicznych okolicznościach odszedł od nas Kazimierz Deyna. Legenda, symbol Legii i zarazem polskiej piłki, zginęła w wypadku samochodowym w Stanach Zjednoczonych, ale do dziś jest w sercach milionów ludzi.

Digital filmmaking cameras

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When comparing the cinema grade, high-end digital cameras versus modern film stocks, film has a larger dynamic range. Particularly when it comes to details within shadows and highlights, film retains more information. Digital cameras, even the best, tend to lose detail that cannot be recaptured in the highlights of an image.

Henry ford what did he invented

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Henry Ford (July 30, –April 7, ) was an American industrialist and business magnate best known for founding the Ford Motor Company and promoting the development of the assembly line technique of mass production.